01/02/92 - Salem Armory: Salem, OR
supporting: Nirvana and RHCP
notes: This show concluded the PJ/Nirvana/RHCP tour.01/03/92 - RKCNDY: Seattle, WA [50m]
set: Once, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Garden, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, Breath
notes: This show was originally scheduled for the Seattle Center where PJ was to open for the RHCP and Nirvana, but both Anthony Kiedis and Kurt Cobain were very ill so the show was changed.01/17/92 - Moore Theater: Seattle, WA [70m]
attendance: 1,350
set: Release, Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Why Go, Deep, Jeremy, Porch, Leash, Breath, Baba O'Riley
notes: This concert's performance of 'Even Flow' was filmed by Josh Taft for the MTV video. 'Baba O'Riley,' a song by The Who, is played live for the first time.
film crew setlist scan01/24/92 Los Angeles, CA
notes: A Rock for Choice show featuring Fugazi, Pearl Jam, L7, Lunachicks and Torture Chorus.02/03/92 - The Esplanade Club: Southend, England [70m]
attendance: 300
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Why Go, Jeremy, (Outshined)/Leash, jam, Porch
encore: chant, Release, Breath
notes: PJ's first European show was unannounced and unadvertised. After 'State,' someone asks for 'Hunger Strike' and Ed asks, "Mr. Cornell, are you here? If Chris is here, we'll play it." Instead, Stone plays the opening to 'Black,' but Ed stops him saying they need to play another first and they go onto 'Alive.' Ed notes how he finds it "weird" that people in Europe know the lyrics. After 'Jeremy,' Ed says, "Let's play a little Soundgarden," and a few 'Outshined' riffs are played. The jam after 'Leash' is based on the 'Dirty Frank' tune. Coming back for an encore, Ed gets a little chant going with the crowd, followed by 'Release,' (strangely) played for the first time as an encore. Before finishing with 'Breath,' Ed tells everyone, "Hey, we're gonna do a TV show tomorrow and it might even be live. Is there anyone we should tell to fuck off? We might as well just do it right here."02/04/92 - The Late Show, BBC2 TV: United Kingdom [5m]
set: Alive
notes: PJ's first television appearance.![]()
02/04/92 - UK Newsbeat FM Radio (intv w/ Jeff & Stone) [5m]
notes: They joke about how Jeff is known as "Hagar the Horrible" and discuss Ed "damaging himself" by jumping off the stage. 'Deep' is played.02/04/92 - Borderline: London, England
attendance: 300
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alive, Black, Why Go, Porch (setlist is incomplete)
notes: "Official" opening date of PJ's European tour with many industry types in attendance in this tiny venue in the basement of a Mexican restaurant.02/07/92 - Koolkat Klub: Stockholm, Sweden [75m]
attendance: 300
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Suggestion/Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Improv/Garden, (Outshined)/Leash
notes: Jeff, getting extremely upset with the sound at this venue complains, "Would you take some volume out of the kickdrum? It's fuckin' ridiculous." Ed tries to make light of Jeff's displeasure by joking around with the crowd. Jeff says they'll never play there again.![]()
02/08/92 - Alaska: Oslo, Norway
attendance: 50002/09/92 - Copenhagen, Denmark (intv. + music with Stone) [30m]
02/09/92 - Pumpe Huset: Copenhagen, Denmark [63m]
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Suggestion/State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Alone, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, (Hunger Strike)/Oceans, Window Paine/Breath, (Outshined)/Leash
notes: Part of this show was broadcast on the radio ('Once,' 'Even Flow,' 'SoLaT,' 'Jeremy,' 'Why Go'). After playing 'Porch,' Ed jokes, "If you thought this was cool or somethin', don't tell anybody so we can play the same place next time ..." Nice setlist, although 'Oceans' seems strangely placed in the middle of the show.02/10/92 - Virgin Records: Paris, France (acoustic) [20m]
set: Wash, Alive, Black, Porch
notes: Acoustic performance similar to the previous Tower Records appearances.02/11/92 - Locomotive: Paris, France [70m]
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, (Suggestion)/Breath, I've Got a Feeling
notes: A wonderful show with Ed feeling chatty. "So there's this big rumor around that we want to clear up right now ... we're NOT from Seattle. I just had to say it because if someone else asks me about the 'Seattle scene' one more time, I think I'm gonna puke, piss and shit all at the same time." After 'Why Go' he quizzes, "Why go home? Cuz I'm in fuckin' Paris, that's why." He makes several comments about being in Paris, including: "If my parents could see me now ... cuz I told them to fuck off when I was 15. But Stone ... he loved his parents and they loved him back and I bet he's happy to be here, too. After 'Suggestion,' Ed snipes, "Mike Tyson's guilty."02/12/92 - Melkweg: Amsterdam, Holland [70m]
attendance: 500
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Bad Mouth improv/Porch
encore: I've Got a Feeling
notes: The stage diving at this show is out of control, with Ed asking, "So who taught this guy to stage dive feet first?" and "Is this the stage diving Olympics or something?" He lifts Mike atop his shoulders during 'Alive.' After 'Deep,' Ed asks for Chris Cornell to come out onstage (he doesn't). The improv is based on a few lines from the beginning of Fugazi's 'Bad Mouth':You can't be what you wereOn the final notes of 'Porch,' Ed falls into the crowd and, in an unusual move, Jeff jumps into the pit! Ed helps Dave out on drums toward the end of 'I've Got a Feeling,' which is an incredibly cool, extended (more than 10 minutes!) version. Part of this super show was broadcast on radio.
So you better start being just what you are
You can't be what you were
Time is now and it's running out![]()
02/15/92 - Revolver: Madrid, Spain
attendance: 500 (capacity 900)
set: Wash, Even Flow, Once, Alive, (Yellow Ledbetter snippet), Black (setlist incomplete/out of order?)
ticket02/18/92 - Sorpasso: Milan, Italy [70m]
attendance: too many (capacity=400)
set: Release, Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Why Go, Porch, Attenzione Jam/Jeremy, Breath
enc: I've Got a Feeling, (Hunger Strike)/Leash
notes: This tiny, hot, overly packed venue feature an inordinately excited crowd and two ill-placed speakers. Eventually, a couple of fans in the audience "volunteer" to hold onto the speakers to keep them from plunging into the throng. The vibrating during a ripping 'Leash' eventually causes one of the speakers to topple but no one is injured. After 'State of Love and Trust,' Ed remarks, "The Marshall is smoking. (laughs) It's known to burn up when Michael plays." Concerned about the crowd, he says, "This is a little claustrophobic. This is the biggest place we've ever played." After 'Jeremy,' "Is there a bigger place right around here where we can all go right now to maybe finish this up? Somebody's house maybe?"![]()
02/19/92 - Albani Bar of Music: Winterthur, Switzerland (acoustic)
notes: Finding themselves in a venue with an extremely tiny stage, PJ elects to rent acoustic guitars and Dave sets up a kick drum and bongo, going for an acoustic show. The latter part of the set becomes a jam session. Even in this small space, Ed climbs to the second floor, goes over all of the spectators' heads and falls into the crowd on the main floor.02/21/92 - International II: Manchester, England
notes: The evening of this show, PJ's tour bus was held up by thieves.
UK tour poster02/22/92 - Riverside, Newcastle, England [70m]
attendance: 600
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, (Hunger Strike)/Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
enc: My Generation, (Window Paine)/Garden, Leash
notes: Ed starts off 'Oceans' and the rest of the band misses it and he restarts the song. After 'Once,' the crowd cheers, "jump, jump, jump" and Eddie obliges. Ed inserts the last verse of Sting's 'Island of Souls' into 'Deep.' A very short version of the Who's 'My Generation' is covered by PJ for the first time.
UK tour poster
02/23/92 - Cathouse: Glasgow, Scotland (Ed intv.) [15m]
notes: Speaking about listening to live music, he says, "... the songs they way that they are on the record, I think that that's like looking at the songs thru the cages in the zoo ... coming to see us live, that's seeing us in the wild ... zoos should all be banned." Edited versions of 'Deep,' 'Even Flow,' 'Why Go' and 'Garden' are played.02/23/92 - Cathouse: Glasgow, Scotland
attendance: 400
UK tour poster
handbill02/25/92 - Rock City: Nottingham, England [65m]
attendance: 1,600
set: Wash, Once, (Outshined)/Improv/Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Improv (instrumental)/Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, (Hunger Strike)/Porch, Garden, (short vocal improv)/Leash
notes: This show is the day after Ten was released in England. The improvisation leading to 'Deep' lasts for 50 seconds is limited to the 'Sympathy for the Devil' theme.
UK tour poster02/26/92 - Edward's No. 8: Birmingham, England [70m]
attendance: 500
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Garden, Leash.
UK tour poster02/27/92 - Queenshall: Bradford, England [75m]
attendance: 300
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, Alone/Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch/(Bradford Jam), Leash, I've Got a Feeling, My Generation
notes: Ed notes that his "throat is almost gone ... it needs to be kinda singalong with Pearl Jam night ..." He tells the crowd the lyrics to 'Once' so they can assist. He jokes around about Newcastle vs. Leeds football and Stone says they're gonna create a riot. Ed asks if they have a fight song. After 'Black,' Ed says "this is called time out for the pontiff" as he "anoints" the crowd with bottled water. Later the crowd is yelling "jump jump jump!" and Ed says the crowd would "take off my genitals one by one." Someone gets on stage during the top of the encore and upon asking PJ to play 'Alive' again, Ed retorts, "This ain't a fuckin' jukebox" and tells him to sing it. Instead, they do 'Leash' with Stone reporting, "We only know like one more song." The crowd begins to chant, leading to an extended 'I've Got a Feeling' which turns into 'My Generation' once Ed grabs Mike's guitar ;).
UK tour poster![]()
02/28/92 - Union of London University: London, England [80m]
attendance: 600
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow/(All Right Now improv), Alone, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch/Improv
enc: Leash, I've Got a Feeling
notes: The show gets off to a rocky start, as Ed skips a lot of lyrics during 'Once' as he's trying to deal with the crowd (saying "fucking cut it out" at one point). He leads to 'Alone' with "So if you've got a heart and give it away and someone breaks it, fuck em." After 'Alone' are the famous words to crowd surfers: "Hold on one second ... see your boots there ... the big shiny metal buckles? See these people's heads here, because they are people's heads and these aren't fucking casaba melons. Everybody, it's a beautiful thing when you lie down on top of the crowd looking like Jesus Christ. But I swear all I wanna do is crucify you when I see you smashing peoples' heads." There is plenty of interaction with the audience -- Ed being very chatty despite discussing how his throat hurts. One line from 'Outshined' is inserted after 'Why Go,' with Ed saying he knows people will be at the Soundgarden show: "... someone has to be the organizer here. Somebody has to count '1,2,3 and hello from Pearl Jam.' Chris Cornell will blush -- down to his bellybutton." He asks for the lights to be turned up for "the last song" and 'Porch' is played, with an improvisation about "we would all be strangers in a strange place if it weren't for you." At one point, Ed climbs the PA stack, jumps to the curtains and swings along the wall using the curtain fabric like vines. Returning for the encore, PJ pays homage to Brent, the sound guy, talking about how he broke his leg in three places and dislocated his ankle, but make it back for this show. Stone says it happened when he was "fucking Prince Charles" and Ed jokes "he's a pretty wild guy." The long 'I've Got a Feeling' jam includes tags from 'Dirty Frank,' George Clinton's 'Atomic Dog' and ends with the middle verse from The Beatles' 'Golden Slumbers' ("Golden slumbers fill your eyes. Smiles awake you when you rise. Sleep pretty darling do not cry. and I will sing a lullabye"). Very pretty. Classic show.
UK tour poster03/01/92 - Vera: Groningen, Holland [77m]
attendance: 450
support act: Captain Nemo
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
enc: Leash, Improv/I've Got A Feeling jam
notes: Ed sings a bit of 'Say Hello 2 Heaven' a capella after 'Leash' and then queries, "Lemme ask you a question ... if you need an abortion, can you get one? Who pays for it?" A rambling improv follows, which leads into 'I've Got a Feeling' and Ed talking with the audience more.
show poster03/02/92 - Paard, Den Haag, Holland [88m]
attendance: 500
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Saying No/Suggestion, Alone, Once, Porch
enc: Garden, Leash, I've Got A Feeling
notes: Ed has more words for stage divers: "Just a couple of words. In my whole life, I never wanted to be a policeman or anything of authority. But in fact, all my life I've been in a crowd like this, and whenever I was back there and people throw up onto the stage and jumped back off it always looked so cool, but when you are up here, see all these peoples' heads bein' smashed in by boots and stuff, it's really fuckin' ridiculous. Prior to 'Black' Ed notes, "You know, we canceled tomorrow night's show just because I knew I would sing with everything I got tonight ... a very good decision I think." 'Suggestion' is an extremely rousing version, renamed 'Saying No in Den Haag' by Ed. Stone and Mike sing an ear splitting a capella version of Queen's 'Bohemian Rhapsody' before 'Porch.' Ed's brother, Jason, jams with the band during a long, lively version of 'I've Got a Feeling' including parts of 'Hunger Strike,' 'Say Hello 2 Heaven' and 'Jane Says' (by Jane's Addiction). Excellent show.![]()
03/03/92 - Vereeniging: Nijmegen, Holland (canceled)
notes: Ed's voice problems caused cancellation of this show. He got his calf tattooed this day.03/04/92 - Tivoli: Utrecht, Holland [90m]
attendance: 950
soundcheck: Even Flow (3x), Alive (4x), Even Flow (3x), Alive (2x)
set: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, (Sympathy for the Devil), Porch
enc: Jam, Alone, (Outshined)/Leash, (Hunger Strike), Garden, Jam
notes: Incredible amounts of stagediving at this show cause Jeff to be concerned for his pedals and he warns the crowd to be careful of the equipment. Ed also expresses some distress: "These heads you see up here ... they're human. They break. If you wanna break someone's head, maybe you should do it with your head and not your boots, you pussies!" 'Deep' is introduced as "a four-letter word called 'Deep.'" Ed's intro to 'Alive': "And maybe, what I think of this song is a world you would be in on MTV or something. No, listen, maybe it feels a little weird for me, cause I am a protector of this song as well, cause it's like as you know, your life. So I hope you listen to it in the right way, and I think live is probably the way." During a short 'Sympathy for the Devil' jam, Ed attempts to cool down the crowd by calling it the 'Waterpouring Song' and pours water on the crowd. With the crowd yelling for 'Hunger Strike,' Ed asks if there is a "political strike going on in Holland cuz everywhere we go we hear people yelling about a hunger strike." He later treats the crowd to a short version of 'Hunger Strike' saying, "I can't wait to tell Chris about that") and plays a little drum solo before 'Alone.' Ed tells the crowd he has a new tattoo and now he's a "... walking piece of art. I used to be just a loser." He says he really wants to jump in the crowd but is concerned people will grab his sore, tattooed leg. A super show.
ticket scan![]()
03/05/92 - Effenaar: Eindhoven, Holland [70m]
attendance: 500
set: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Leash, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Suggestion/Deep, Garden
notes: The show begins when Ed shouts, "OK, turn off the fucking music; we are going to play now." Before 'Even Flow,' Ed says, "There's a girl here whose mom followed her into the show, just to make sure she is safe!" After 'Even Flow,' he talks of how they've played in Holland for a few nights and how nice the people are. After 'Leash,' Ed says, "Eddie, jump in the audience. That's what they want. I'd love to do that, but I am having a hard time singing ... and you can help me ... this is one of my favorite things that Stone plays," leading to 'Alive.' After 'Alive": "I am sorry that music has to suffer but it was only just recently that I became one of you. I'm part of the crowd and I care about you and if people are getting hurt, I'm gonna stop, OK? Are you alright? And if they are taken off the stage, please take them gently, sir ... even if you're mad" (to security). After 'Black,' there is a lot of dialogue about someone's lost and found spectacles; how they can "get them back after the show." Ed says his famous Dutch words: "Ik hou van jougoedverdoemeIk hou van jou, Godverdomme ... ("I love you, God damn it!") leading to 'Porch.' Great show with a lot of interaction, despite Ed's sore throat.
show poster03/06/92 - Nighttown: Rotterdam, Holland [86m]
attendance: 500
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
enc: Rotterdam Improv #1 (Straight to Hell Now)/Garden, (Outshined)/Leash, Rotterdam Improv #2/I've Got a Feeling
notes: Another wild, fabulous Holland show. The video guide really tells the story of this show ... in other words, it must be seen to be believed.![]()
03/08/92 - Live Music Hall: Cologne, Germany [60m]
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy/Jam, Why Go, Porch, Improv/Saying No/Improv, Garden, (Outshined)/Leash
notes: Scully, Stone's guitar tech, joins PJ on guitar during 'Even Flow.'![]()
03/09/92 - The Loft: Berlin, Germany [80m]
attendance: 500
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Rockin' in the Free World, Jam/Dirty Frank ramblings, Porch
encore: Garden, Leash
notes: First live 'Rockin' in the Free World' played by PJ, with Ed starting off by saying, "If we're gonna play it anywhere, we should play it here." Returning for the encore, Ed notes, "Just one thing, so it's clear ... we are not the sound of Seattle. There are many sounds of Seattle." During the 'Garden' jam, Ed tells the crowd to pass him to the back and then thanks them when he returns to the stage.03/10/92 - Markthalle: Hamburg, Germany [70m]
attendance: 400
set: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, (I'm Not Crazy)/Once, Rockin' in the Free World, Porch, Suggestion/Improv, Garden, Leash, I've Got a Feeling
notes: 'RitFW' is played with a different, slow intro. The 'I've Got a Feeling' lyrics are modified to, "Everybody misses Andy, but he is everywhere ..."03/12/92 - Batschkaap: Frankfurt, Germany [75m]
attendance: 600
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, (Improv)/Jeremy, Once, Alive, Black, (Where Do The Children Play)/State of Love and Trust, Deep, Rockin' in the Free World, Porch, Suggestion/Breath, Outshined/Leash
notes: Ed comments, "There's a bunch of Americans in the audience. Hope they're not offending anyone ... as they are known to do." Before 'Jeremy' he says, "They're building Jeff a special bass for this next song and they're almost done with it." He continues to stall by singing a "little song my mom used to sing to me" and sings a song about "killing your neighbors ... mommy told me to," and then intros Jeremy saying "I wish he would have killed his parents. Then maybe he wouldn't have killed himself." The lead-in to 'SOL&T' is a Cat Stevens song. This show has a great, 7-minute version of 'Breath.'03/13/92 - Nachtwerk: Munich, Germany [90m]
attendance: 900
set: Once, Even Flow, Alive, Why Go, Black, Jeremy, Oceans, Porch, Garden, Deep, Release
enc: Leash, (Outshined)/State of Love and Trust, Munich Improv/Rockin' in the Free World, I've Got a Feeling
notes: This is the only concert where all songs on Ten are played straight through in order and PJ is in a very "up" mood. Ed even notes when the vinyl gets flipped and side two begins. This is the final European show of this tour and neither the crowd nor PJ can seem to get enough tonight.![]()
03/16/92 - Kaufman Astoria Studios: Queens, NY (MTV Unplugged) (acoustic)
soundcheck: Oceans, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Jeremy, Porch
set [aired version, 30 min]: Even Flow, Jeremy, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Porch
set [complete, 51 minute set]: Oceans, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Jeremy, Porch, Even Flow, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: In a riveting performance, PJ shows the world that their talent is tremendous and the songs solid, despite the lack of electric guitars (and using rented equipment). 'Oceans' and 'RitFW' were recorded, but never aired. Mike plays quite a lot of 'Angie' after 'State of Love and Trust' (during a break) and later, riffs from Deep Purple's 'Smoke on the Water' prior to 'RitFW.' (The PJ Unplugged was originally aired on 5/13/92.)![]()
03/25/92 - First Avenue Club: Minneapolis, MN [80m]
attendance: 1,300
support act: Eleven
set: Wash, (Outshined)/Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, crowd/Ed vocal jam/Suggestion/Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
enc: Garden, Leash
handbill03/26/92 - R & R Station: Madison, WI
support act: Eleven
set: Wash, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Improv/Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
enc: Garden, Leash
notes: At one point during the show, Mike silently mumbles on a microphone that Billy Corgan is in attendance. Ed thinking that the audience doesn't hear him, repeats it and the crowd responds with applause. Corgan doesn't perform, but just hangs out by the side of the stage.03/27/92 - Marquette University Alumni Hall: Milwaukee, WI [70m]
support act: Smashing Pumpkins
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Improv/Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Rockin' in the Free World, Porch, (Outshined)/Leash, I've Got a Feeling/(Dirty Frank)
notes: Ed's intro to 'Even Flow': "Shall we kick ass?" Jimmy from the SP and Ed's brother join PJ during 'I've Got a Feeling.'![]()
03/28/92 - Cabaret Metro: Chicago, IL [85m]
attendance: 1,000
support act: Smashing Pumpkins
soundcheck: Jeremy, Deep
set: Release, Improv (You Tell Me)/Even Flow, Rockin' in the Free World, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
enc 1: Garden, Leash
enc 2: Window Paine, I've Got a Feeling
notes: Part of this show was broadcast on FM radio. Ed is very upbeat and modifies the 'Release' lyrics to, "I am myself in this, your hometown," likely referring to his father's hometown (Chicago). He notes, "The person the next song is written about is here tonight" before an incredible 'Why Go.' Billy Corgan (wearing a dress) and D'Arcy from The Smashing Pumpkins join PJ for 'Window Paine' and 'I've Got a Feeling.' Members of U2 were at the show this night, sizing PJ up as possible tour openers in Europe, and they met up with the band after the show.![]()
03/30/92 - Bogart's: Cincinnati, OH
attendance: 1,250
support act: Eleven03/31/92 - Newport Music Hall: Columbus, OH
support act: Eleven04/02/92 - Peabody's Down Under: Cleveland, OH
attendance: 600
support act: Eleven04/03/92 - St. Andrew's Hall: Detroit, MI
attendance: 1,00004/04/92 - Much Music: Toronto, Ontario (Stone) [5m]
04/04/92 - Concert Hall: Toronto, Ontario [68m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Breath, Happy Birthday, Leash
notes: During 'Porch,' Ed climbs up onto the balcony and starts working his way all the way around the venue on the edge of the balcony. About 3/4 of the way around, two security guards grab him and pull him off the edge. They don't realize who he is, thinking he is a fan climbing. When they realize their error, they let him go. Ed stands on the edge of the balcony and then drops down onto the crowd below - quite a drop but they catch him! Then he "swims" to the stage, picks up the mic and says, "I can do ... whatever the fuck I want!" 'Happy Birthday' is sung to Mike. Ed introduces Henry Rollins and someone (tour manager, Eric Johnson) looking and dressing very much like Henry comes on stage. "Henry" has a huge happy face drawn on his back with magic marker.04/06/92 - Cumnock Hall: Lowell, MA [75m]
set: Oceans, Improv/Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Garden
notes: 'Oceans' has an unusual improv ending. Acoustics are bad, with Ed saying, "I know this ain't the greatest room, Brett. But come on, can't you do something? I wasn't gonna say anything, but these people here came to like see and hear a show. It just sounds like fuckin' crap! By the way, happy birthday you fart, you shithead." Then he sings, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, the room it sounds great (sarcastically), happy birthday to you."04/07/92 - Student Union Ballroom, UMass: Amherst, MA
support act: Eleven
handbill04/08/92 - WBCN: Boston, MA (intv. with Mike & Dave) [30m]
04/08/92 - Axis Club: Boston, MA [65m]
attendance: 800
support act: Eleven
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Improv/State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
enc: (Suggestion), Garden/(Outshined), Leash
notes: Packed to the rafters, Jeff threatens to hurt someone if the equipment is destroyed. Ed comments that the band saw the Boston Celtics play that night and "I just want to say ... that the Chicago Bulls suck." 'Dirty Frank' is on the setlist but not played.04/10/92 - Trocadero Club: Philadelphia, PA [80m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch, Garden, Leash, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: Ed sings two lines of 'Release' a capella before 'Alive,' and during Mike's solo at the end he strips off his shirt and dives into the crowd. Ed says the band was thinking about moving to Philadelphia, sick of all the Seattle hype, and Jeff adds, "That's only because [Charles] Barkley lives here." Ed starts asking for Sir Charles, saying he's on the list that night. The fans shout out, "1, 2, 3, 4!" for the start of 'Porch.' Ed scales a wall during the jam and edges his way along the balcony. He makes his way to the other side, where he falls backwards (a la the 'Even Flow' video) into the waiting crowd's hands, who carry him back to the stage just in time for the end of the jam section. During 'Leash,' Ed scales a crew member wearing a cape and hat and sings second half of the song from atop his shoulders. Fantastic show.![]()
04/11/92 - Saturday Night Live: New York, NY [10m]
soundcheck: Alive, Alive, Porch, Porch
set: Alive, Porch
notes: A very enthralling TV performance. The band also appear briefly in a Sharon Stone skit.![]()
04/12/92 - Limelight: New York, NY [70m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Suggestion/Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
enc: Leash, Rockin' in the Free World, I've Got a Feeling, Release
notes: Ed drums briefly before 'Leash.' Typically an opening song, 'Release,' closes this show in an unusual fashion.![]()
04/13/92 - Ritchie Coliseum, University of Maryland: College Park, MD [70m]
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Garden, (Outshined)/Leash, Rockin' in the Free World![]()
04/15/92 - 1313: Charlotte, NC
attendance: 500
support act: Tribe After Tribe
notes: Fans were given a refund since PJ didn't play due to Ed's laryngitis. Tribe After Tribe did play, with Jeff and Stone in attendance at this old warehouse.04/16/92 - Legion Field, University of Georgia: Athens, GA
attendance: 4,000
support act: Follow For Now
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Wash, Porch, Rockin' in the Free World, Alive (setlist incomplete)
notes: This show was nearly canceled due to Ed's voice problems. Ed tells the crowd they will have to help him with the singing because his voice is shot. The show opens with a long version of 'Oceans.' However, he performs like a maniac, hurling himself in the crowd and walking across people's hands to the back soundboard (Legion Field is an outdoor venue) during 'Porch', surfing back to the stage. The set closes with 'Alive' with members of Follow For Now (a local Athens band similar to Living Colour) joining PJ, An epic performance with the crowd in a frenzy for the entire show.04/17/92 - Masquerade: Atlanta, GA (canceled)
attendance: 1,250
notes: Canceled due to Ed's voice problems.04/19/92 - Starplex Amphitheater: Dallas, TX (Edge Fest) [45m]
attendance: 20,000![]()
04/20/92 - Tipitinas: New Orleans, LA [75m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, (I'm Not Crazy)/Once, Porch
enc: Improv/Garden, Baba O'Riley, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: Ed remarks, "So these are the fancy seats. You guys don't sweat as much up there, huh? I got nothin' against you, but these people down here would probably call you pussies. But then again, let's not be separatists ... we're all people, right?" Then he references a kid named "Eric" who was too young to get in and tells the crowd to yell hi to Eric. Scully is wished a happy birthday and the crowd is invited to meet the band later for a birthday party. 'Baba O'Riley' sounds pretty rough still.04/22/92 - Janus Landing: St. Petersburg, FL
attendance: 1,40004/23/92 - Cameo Theater: Miami, FL [70m]
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
enc: Suggestion/Leash, Rockin' in the Free World![]()
04/24/92 - The Edge: Orlando, FL
04/25/92 - Night Owl: Pensacola, FL (canceled)
attendance: 450
notes: Concert canceled due to Ed's vocal problems.04/27/92 - "Off the Record" (intv. With Ed & Jeff) [25m]
04/28/92 - The Coliseum: Austin, TX
attendance: 3,000
support act: Swervedriver, Monster Magnet
supporting: Soundgarden
poster04/29/92 - Bronco Bowl: Dallas, TX
attendance: 2,525
supporting: Soundgarden04/30/92 - Unicorn Club: Houston, TX [60m]
supporting: Soundgarden
set: Wash, Once, Suggestion, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Improv (including Brass in Pocket)/Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch, Improv, Leash
notes: Toward the end of 'Porch,' the show is stopped when someone in the crowd appears to be injured and paramedics are called for. (MTV has footage of PJ playing 'RITFW' with Soundgarden: check this out.) If the date is accurate, PJ must have joined Soundgarden's set to play this.)
05/02/92 - Day On the Hill: University of Kansas: Lawrence, KS
attendance: 1,000
notes: PJ is just one of many bands featured at this large, free outdoor event. A handbill from this event lists Tribe After Tribe and the ska band, Let's Go Bowling.
show poster05/03/92 - The Ranch Bowl: Omaha, NE [70m]
attendance: 650
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Improv/Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Improv, Porch, Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: After 'Garden,' the band sings 'Happy Birthday' to Smitty. Ed also says something about autographing some carrots for the crowd: "Pearl Jam ... the band with a message. Stay healthy. Eat your carrots." (The Ranch Bowl is actually a large bowling alley with a music club and outdoor patio.)05/??/92 - "On the Edge" (intv. With Ed & Jeff) [5m]
05/05/92 - Glenn Miller Ballroom, University of Colorado: Boulder, CO [90m]
attendance: 1,450
soundcheck: Even Flow, Release
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, (I'm Not Crazy)/Once, Improv/Porch, Suggestion, Garden, Leash, Rockin' in the Free World![]()
05/07/92 - Gallitan Fairgrounds: Bozeman, MT [60m]
support act: Tribe After Tribe
soundcheck: Jeremy
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Porch
enc: Suggestion/Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: An enthusiastic performance with Jeff's family in attendance. A bit of Seal's 'Crazy' is heard before 'State of Love and Trust.' Jeff steps up to the mic at the start of the encore and thanks everyone for coming. 'Porch' is particularly rocked out and jammy, with Ed asking the crowd to sing the start of the song, which they do, perfectly. 'RitFW' has an unusual intro. This show could be titled "Guitars Bite the Dust" ... Mike pulls the strings off one guitar and two others are tossed to the crowd.05/09/92 - Mesa Amphitheater: Mesa, AZ
support act: Tribe After Tribe
notes: Tickets for the show were $10, which sold out about a week before the show. Jeff watches Tribe After Tribe's opening set from the side of the stage. PJ's intro music is 'By The Time I Get To Arizona' by Public Enemy. Ed mentions voting for Martin Luther King Day during their set. 'RITFW' is played (likely a closing song).05/10/92 - Iguana's: Tijuana, Mexico
attendance: 1,00005/11/92 - Rockline, KLOS Studios: Los Angeles, CA (Stone & Ed) (acoustic) [45m]
set: Alive, Even Flow, Footsteps
notes: Interview with recordings of 'Alive' and 'Even Flow' played. First time 'Footsteps' played (live). This version is released later on the 'Jeremy' discs.05/12/92 - Ventura Theater: Ventura, CA [80m]
support act: Tribe After Tribe
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Improv (Part Where I Play the Pope)/(Crazy)/Porch, Suggestion/Garden, Rockin' in the Free World, Footsteps
notes: Ed intros 'Footsteps:' "I wrote this a long time ago to their [Stone & Jeff's] music. There was 'Alive,' and then 'Once,' and then this song, and we didn't play it together until last night, and it kinda came out good so we're gonna try to play it right now ..."05/13/92 - Palladium: Hollywood, CA [70m]
support act: Tribe After Tribe and Rage Against the Machine
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Improv (I Got No Where to Go)/Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Improv (Don't Try to get Inside My Head)/Once, Crazy/Porch
enc: Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: 'Crazy' is a Seal song, but the lyrics are sung to the melody from 'The Part Where I Play the Pope.'![]()
05/15/92 - Warfield Theater: San Francisco, CA [75m]
set: Wash, Once, Improv (Homeless/My Mama Told Me/You Tell Me), Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Improv (I Can't Explain)/Black, Deep, Jeremy, (Sympathy for the Devil), I've Got a Feeling, Why Go, Porch
enc: Leash, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: A very nice, unusual set including lots of covers and improvs and PJ in a great mood. 'I Can't Explain' is a Who cover, but the tune is the same as 'The Part Where I Play the Pope.' Corey Glover, Living Colour's singer, joins PJ for 'RitFW.' (Ed gives Living Colour a little nod earlier in the show inserting the first couple of lines from 'Open Letter to a Landlord' in front of 'SoL&T.' Quite nice!)![]()
05/16/92 - The Catalyst: Santa Cruz, CA
05/17/92 - Roseland Theater: Portland, OR [75m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Improv/Black, State of Love and Trust, (I'm Not Crazy)/Once, (Owner of a Lonely Heart), Happy Birthday, Porch
enc 1: Suggestion, Garden, (School's Out)/(Outshined)/Leash
enc 2: Angel, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: Just before 'Porch,' PJ sings 'Happy Birthday' to Dave, with a few opening bars of 'Owner of a Lonely Heart' played before. Ed starts chatting after 'Leash'...stuff about great audience, really nice to them, etc. Then he says, "It's Dave's birthday and he's gonna play guitar for the first time in front of people ever ... and usually when we play, I just let people know what's on my mind cuz, I dunno, it usually takes over. Tonight also is like the night that me and my girlfriend have been together for eight years. It's serious. It's probably the sole reason that I'm alive. But, ah, that's why I wanna stick around on earth. I don't ever wanna be an angel or nothin'. I wanna be right here with her and, ah, so let's try this song." Dave plays guitar while Ed sings 'Angel.' This is the first, of only a few times, that 'Angel' is played live.05/19/92 - Melody Lane: Portland, OR
attendance: 93005/20/92 - Gas Works Park: Seattle, WA (canceled)
notes: PJ planned this free Rock the Vote show only to have their permit dismissed two days earlier by officials expressing concerns over crowd control issues. Officials felt that the park wasn't large enough for the crowd (25,000 people were expected) that would come and that opening act Seaweed was a punk band which would attract an "undesirable" crowd. Unable to reschedule, the band set up skateboard ramps and Ed showed up, apologizing and chatting with fans, and partying and jamming with members of Seaweed and Seven Year Bitch, who did perform. (This show was eventually rescheduled at the end of PJ's Lollapalooza tour at Magnuson Park.)![]()
05/21/92 - Plaza of Nations: Vancouver, BC
attendance: 4,000 (sold out; venue over capacity)
support act: Mystery Machine
notes: Originally scheduled for the Town Pump (a small bar), this show moved venues (the Plaza of Nations is outdoors) due to high ticket demand. The band threatens to quit midway through the set when Stone is hit twice by shoes being thrown.06/05/92 - Nuerburgring: Nuerburg, Germany (Rock Am Ring Festival) [60m]
set: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Once, Porch
enc: Suggestion/I've Got A Feeling, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: PJ's first large festival concert.![]()
06/06/92 - Finsbury Park Festival: London, England [60m]
support act: Red Kross, L7, Therapy
supporting: The Cult
set: Wash, Once, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Even Flow, Porch
enc: Rockin' in the Free World
notes: Amazing version of 'Black.' 'Even Flow' is dedicated to Dee from L7 as she "... hasn't had her period for nearly two months." Lyrics are modified to "... pillows made of Tampax." Ed encourages the crowd to tape shows. Hopping into the crowd during 'Porch,' Ed barely makes it back to the stage as security mistakes him for a stagediver.![]()
06/08/92 - Pinkpop Festival: Landgraaf, Netherlands [45m]
attendance: 60,000
support act: Eleven
set: Even Flow, Why Go, (Rain)/Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Leash, Once, Porch, Suggestion/Pulled Up, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: PJ's largest live audience yet. Show was broadcast on Dutch TV. 'Rain' is a Beatles tune. 'Pulled Up' is a Talking Heads cover, perhaps a mini-tribute to David Byrne, who also played at this festival. Awesome versions of 'Alive' and 'RitFW.'![]()
06/10/92 - Kongresszentrum: Stuttgart, Germany [70m]
support act: Eleven
set: Release, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, Jam/Once, Porch, Suggestion, Garden, (Outshined)/Leash, Rockin' in the Free World06/11/92 - Grosse Freiheit 36: Hamburg, Germany [63m]
support act: Eleven
set: Footsteps, Once, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Part Where I Play the Pope/Even Flow, Porch, Garden, Rockin' in the Free World06/13/92 - Go Bang Festival: Wuhlheide: Berlin, Germany [45m]
attendance: 9,000
support act: Bad Religion, Sisters of Mercy
set: Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, Leash, Once, Porch
notes: A hot and dusty arena with a core of fans moshing in front of the stage - the rest of the audience is clearly here to see Bad Religion and the Sisters of Mercy. PJ is seemingly upset about the fact that there is a huge gap between the crowd and the stage. Ed tries to make up for it by leaving the stage multiple times and doing really long and wild crowdsurfs. Ed does the 'Crazy' improv before 'Once.' During 'Porch,' Ed climbs the very high light scaffolding and dances. A furious and breathtaking performance.06/14/92 - Go Bang Festival: Kloecknergelaende im Industriehafen: Bremen, Germany [45m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State, Once, Porch
enc: Leash, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: A large, outdoor event on a very, very hot afternoon featuring many artists including Bad Religion, Concrete Blonde, Sisters of Mercy and Fury in the Slaughterhouse. Little is known about the setlist. A snippet from The Police's 'Invisible Sun' was played at the start of 'RitFW.'06/15/92 - Serenadenhof: Nuremberg, Germany [63m]
set: Wash, Once, Even Flow, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Improv/Black, Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Porch
enc: Suggestion, Leash, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: Ed makes many references to the fact that he wishes this venue was smaller.06/17/92 - City Square: Milan, Italy [75m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, (Part Where I Play the Pope)/Black, Alive, Improv (Once in Our Lives)/Once, Footsteps, (Three Little Birds), Deep, (Oh When the Saints)/Porch
enc: jam/Suggestion, Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: There is much audience confrontation/interaction at this show. Apparently some members of the audience are displeased and want refunds. Ed replies, "That's OK ... we'll give it to you twice back." This show was broadcast on Italian TV.![]()
06/18/92 - Volkshaus: Zurich, Switzerland [85]
attendance: 500
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, Improv (Love You Hate You), Black, Alive, (I'm Not Crazy)/Once, Footsteps, Deep, Leash, jam (Shower the People/Brass in Pocket/Meaningless), Porch, Improv/Suggestion/Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: PJ is in a good mood and Ed recalls last time when they played in Switzerland in a very small place with no amps and how cool it was. The "Mamasan trilogy" is performed and explained as follows: "The next three songs ... we've never really played them together, but they go together. You wanna hear about it? I never told anybody about this before. I don't wanna ruin any interpretations of the songs that you have, but it's about incest and it's about murder and all those good things. And if you can picture it in your mind, the third song takes place in a jail cell so this is our own little mini-opera here ..." and 'Alive' is played. The second song of the trilogy, 'Once,' has a lead in: "What you did to me, ain't right ... problem child ... cuz I ain't crazy. Once upon a time ..." and Ed screams into a raging 'Once.' And just before "Footsteps,' "So this is act three." 'Shower the People' is a James Taylor cover. 'Brass in Pocket,' is a Pretenders song with the lyrics revised a bit. ("I'll kick the fuck outta you ... I don't give a fuck.") Ed refers to 'Suggestion' as, "... the same song my dad used to sing to me when he beat me." A great show featuring an excellent version of 'Porch.'
Alive/Once/Footsteps trilogy (5h Song X for Dec 99)06/19/92 - Rockhaus: Vienna, Austria [78m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, Black, Alive, Jam/Once, Footsteps, Deep, Improv/Leash, Porch
enc: Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: The "Mamasan trilogy" appears again, broken with an unusual jam after 'Alive' along the lines of "everybody's somebody in here ... I'm not crazy ... just a little bit." Ed talks about how someone who was interviewing him said he thought that fans didn't listen to lyrics and that PJ could just sing "blah blah blah" and the crowd would like it. Ed says he doesn't believe that and would never sing "blah blah blah." A cute improv surfaces after 'Deep': "You can do what you want to, don't tell me what I must do ... I guarantee I'll do the opposite ... don't tell me ... I'll say fuck you."06/22/92 - Elysée-Montmartre: Paris, France [83m]
set: Oceans, Even Flow, Improv (Selfish Man)/Why Go, Jeremy, State of Love and Trust, Black, Alive, Once, Footsteps, Deep, Leash, Porch/Chants
enc: Improv/Garden, Rockin' in the Free World
notes: The trilogy is played in order.
Show poster06/25/92 - Moderna Museet, Skeppsholmen: Stockholm, Sweden [110m]
attendance: 1,500
set: Driven to Tears, Throw Your Arms Around Me, Even Flow, Once, State of Love and Trust, Alive, Improv, Black, (Help Me Rhonda)/Deep, Jeremy, Why Go, Improv (The First Time), Porch
enc 1: Suggestion/Garden
enc 2: Leash, I've Got a Feeling/(Dolly Dagger)/(Three Little Birds)/Rockin' in the Free World
enc 3: Release, Footsteps
notes: This show, originally scheduled for the Melody Club, was moved to this outdoor venue due to the current popularity of Ten. With no opening act, Ed and Mike took the stage to open with two acoustic songs. Ed is very chatty with the audience, beginning by saying, "Today it just feels good ... a fast one or a slow one?" and playing the Police cover, 'Driven to Tears.' Then, " ... it's a song about summer and outdoors" and playing the Hunters and Collectors tune, 'Throw Your Arms Around Me.' After the other PJ members take the stage, "Let's just have fun tonight." intro's a ripping 'Even Flow.' Ed spies someone taping in the audience and remarks, "This guy's making a tape recording ... everybody be careful ... don't make too much noise. No keep it out. I like that idea. He's OK. Let him tape the show, yeah ... we wanna remember this, right?" A lot of stuff is being thrown on stage during this show. After 'Once,' Ed, being hit by a shoe, becomes angry, and holds the shoe up, and smiles, fills it with his beverage and drinks from it. Wiping the drops away from his mouth, he says, "I'm crazier than any of you fucks" (turning a stupid incident into something good). Then he says, "This song is called ... what's it called?" and he passes the mic out to the audience and some guy repeats, "I'm crazier than you" several times, and then "State of love and trust" which PJ plays next! Ed sings "Help me Rhonda. I'm in too deep," as a lead-in to 'Deep.' PJ is upset that this show was for 18+ ages only and later Ed comments, "You know of this thing, Roskilde? We're playing tomorrow. After this, I feel like saying 'fuck it, let's just play here again.' This is the size! It's outdoors ... this is as big as it needs to get ... next time it will be at this place, it will be all ages and it will be cheaper than it was today. This was bullshit and I don't dare say that unless I plan to live up to it so we will live up to it. We'll see you there then, OK?" 'Release' is played because they forgot to play it earlier and 'Footsteps' is started with the Temple of the Dog version ('Times of Trouble') lyrics and then Ed explains the origin of the song and they restart it.(1,730k)
So sad that this very happy night was marred by some of the band's personal items being stolen backstage as they played.06/26/92 - Roskilde Festival (Orange stage): Denmark [50m]
attendance: 70,000
set: Redemption Song, Even Flow, Why Go, Jeremy, Deep, Alive, Black, State of Love and Trust, (I'm Not Crazy)/Once, Porch
notes: Noting the HUGE crowd, Ed jokes, "... I made a mistake ... I thought 'Roskilde' meant 'small club' ... I fucked up." After a fan makes it to the stage, stage dives and begins getting beaten by security, band members and Eric (tour manager) jump into the audience to assist. Security doesn't seem to recognize the band and they have difficulty returning to the stage, which is fairly far from the crowd. Ed is clearly pissed and says next time they will pass out photos to security. After the thievery of his journal the night before in Stockholm and this incident (combined with exhaustion from nearly ten months of solid touring), the balance of the tour is canceled.06/26/92 - Singles soundtrack (featuring previously unreleased recordings of 'Breath' and 'State of Love and Trust') is released
06/27/92 - Ruisrock Festival: Turku, Finland (canceled)
notes: PJ would have shared the bill with Nirvana.06/28/92 - Kalvøyafestivalen: Oslo, Norway (canceled)
notes: PJ would have shared the bill with Nirvana.06/30/92 - Brixton Academy: London, England (canceled)
07/01/92 - Astoria: London, England (canceled)
07/02/92 - Eurockenes Festival: Belfort, France (canceled)
07/04/92 - Torhout Festival: Belgium (canceled)
07/05/92 - Werchter Festival: Belgium (canceled)
Copyright © 1996-2004 Jean Bruns, All Rights Reserved