Binaural Media Watch
We did this for Yield and it seemed to be helpful. This time we had planned on listing everything, but there's too much crap, so we've changed our minds. The best, must-read articles are marked with.
We ask for your patience and indulgence if 1) we do not add the articles fast enough for your liking, 2) if we decide we can't keep up with every review everywhere and decide that the bad review from the SmallTown USA Daily Star isn't worth adding.
If you find an article we don't have here, by all means, email us; be sure to tell us why you think the article should be included! Thanks!
- dotmusic
- Nude as the News: everyone seems to feel that this review is the best so far.
- VH-1
- written by a familiar name!
- New York Daily News
- San Francisco Chronicle
- OC Register: positive review
- New Musical Express [UK]
- Billboard, 4/21/00: Track-by-track analysis and description.
- Chart Attack: "While we don't have the album in the office, our first impression is that fans are going to be wearing out their lasers on their CD players playing Binaural this summer." Full review due up the 16th, apparently.
- The Baltimore Sun's favorable review
- Radio Undercover: a cool review from down under
- Revolver, August 2000: Great, thoughtful interview/article/review with Stone, Jeff, Mike, and Ed - the Ed material is classic.
- NYROCK, August 2000: Highly intelligent interview with Ed.
- Rolling Stone [Australia], August 2000: a truly wonderful, funny, interesting interview with Ed. Another must-read.
- George Magazine, July 2000: the long-awaited interview, politically oriented. A must.
- CMJ, July 2000: Some good quotes, worth reading.
- Guitar World: Another interview with Mike. Essential.
[thanks to]
- Blitz [Portugal]: interview with Mike!
- New Musical Express, 5/13/00: another keeper
- Sonicnet, 5/15/00: Pearl Jam's Anti-Career. This one is absolutely priceless.
- Boston Globe, 5/14/00: some interesting chat about the recording process
- 89 Revista Rock from Brazil has another great interview.
- Chicago Tribune, Greg Kot's 5/22/00 article including quotes from Ed, Jeff and Kelly Curtis
- Rip It Up features Adelaide's "leading street press magazine's" interview with Jeff about the Binaural process - interesting
- Beat Magazine cover story: interview with Ed
- Kerrang! also allegedly has an article next week (can someone check please?)
- Boston Phoenix: Anatomy of an Interview
- MTV Online Jeff and Stone on the "drummer situation" and some comments about Jack.
- Small but vital interview with Stone, containing the FINAL word on the "drummer situation" (thank god) and some other comments.
- SonicNet, 4/21/00: Interview with Stone and Ed. NOTE: This is not the whole interview, it's just a section. There will be a feature in the next full issue. (Yay!)
- MTV Online, 4/19/00: Short interview with Jeff and Stone on "Rival" with link to RealAudio clip
- CNN Worldbeat: Another airing included more interview footage and - most importantly, LIVE footage from London. Some clips and a partial transcript on the CNN web site
- MTV Online: The entire interview, including Real Video footage.
- TV commercials: currently in Canada on MuchMusic, and in Australia.
- CNN Worldbeat, weekend of 4/29: Ed and Jeff. To call this an "interview" would be giving it airs it didn't deserve; it was about 20 seconds of Ed saying, "Binaural is a recording technique, blah blah blah" while Jeff looked on pensively.
- The MTV footage (see Interviews) of Stone and Jeff was briefly featured during MTV News spots that week.
- There should be TV commercials on MTV, VH-1 and the WWF Smackdown the week before the album's release (this is what Sony said in their release, we're just quoting it here)
- KROQ, Los Angeles: read the transcript here.
- KROCK, New York City: There was an interview with Ed on Wednesday (5/10) afternoon during the Will Pendarvis show. You can read the transcript.
Print-only Media
- Nothing yet.
- article on the marketing activities behind the album.
- Lycos online chat, 5/15, 9pm EDT: here's the official chat transcript in case you missed it
- Some amazing photos from this year's publicity photo sessions by photographer Glen Friedman
- A Beginner's Guide To Binaural Recording: right here on 5h.
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